Cremation Services

Cremation is an alternative to the traditional burial service and does not limit in any way how you choose to celebrate the life of your loved one.  Personalized memorial services allow memorials to be shared and the life of your loved one to be reminisced. We are here to answer your questions and bring peace to any concerns that you may have. The biggest misconception about cremation is that there can't be a funeral service or visitation. This is absolutely not the case - when you choose to care for the physical remains through cremation, we encourage you to consider holding a memorial service as well. There are many options open to you when it comes to honoring your loved one's life: you can provide  a chance for friends and family to say goodbye through a final viewing before the cremation, and you can also hold a formal service either before or after the cremation occurs. After the cremation itself, there are a variety of choices for your loved one's final disposition:

  • Inurnment means that you'll bury or entomb your loved one's cremated remains. This can be in the family plot, a memorial site, a cremation niche or urn garden, or in a variety of other indoor and outdoor locations. Ask our staff about the interment possibilities.
  • Graveside Services are similar to those celebrated alongside a traditional ground burial, in which loved ones are present at the burial of the cremated remains and honor the deceased through memorial prayers or other meaningful tributes.
  • Scattering allows you to spread your loved one's cremated remains in a memorial garden, a cemetery, over water, or across any other meaningful site. You can also choose to scatter some of the cremated remains and retain the rest in an urn for internment or another form of disposition
  • Placing cremated remains in multiple urns allows family members who are separated by distance to each feel the comfort of having their loved one's final resting place in a nearby location